Tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.
Joshua 3:5 NAS
Your yesterdays have made you what you are today, but your tomorrows can make you what God always intended you to become. Joshua was talking to a nation whose yesterdays were a long list of repeated failures and rebellion against God. They had been convicted, judged, punished and reinstated frequently by the God they’d flagrantly sinned against. Surely, they ought to have been cut off from Him, stripped of any future blessing. But “Joshua said to the people, ‘consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you'” (Joshua 3:5 NAS).
Consecrate yourself, realign yourself with God’s plans and watch Him begin to work in your life. Just when the enemy has you convinced that with your past God couldn’t possibly have a future for you, He calls you to prepare yourself so He can bless you. God is fully aware of your yesterdays, but He’s much more focused on your tomorrows. Why do we discard our tomorrows when we so desperately need them? When Jesus cried, “It is finished!” (John 19:30 NKJV), His disciples misunderstood and concluded it was all over. So they slipped away to contemplate the tomorrow they thought would never be. But with God, every ending is a new beginning, and three mornings later the angel announced the resurrection and the new tomorrow that would guarantee the future for all believers. ‘It (your yesterday) is finished!’
Don’t give up your tomorrows by building monuments to your past failures. Acknowledge, confess and release your yesterdays to the crucified Christ. ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you.’