Honor Maeola M. Dogan
Saturday, March 14, 2020
16138 West Bellfort Blvd.
10:00AM – 11:00AM –
Viewing 11:00am – Service
Pastor J. Amos Jones Officiating
Repast to follow
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Fanners of the Flame
Honor Maeola M. Dogan
Saturday, March 14, 2020
16138 West Bellfort Blvd.
10:00AM – 11:00AM –
Viewing 11:00am – Service
Pastor J. Amos Jones Officiating
Repast to follow
Karen Fields
J’ion Porter
Cynthia Demerson
Jontae Denman
Rita Miller
Veronica Daniels
Tara Smith
Joneldred Denman
Lillie Metters
Shirley Cooper
Jason Foster
Alice Harness
Deacon Charles Dogan
Gerald Cooper
Drake Hodge
Deacon Ned Norris
Gregory Clayborne
Dylan Simms
Renea Johnson
Dominique Hodge
Deacon Bruce Smith
I apologize for dropping the ball for birthday postings this month.
Rev. Joseph Large
Josetta Johnson McWain
Pat Ward
John Fields
Sharon Jackson
Jonathan Denman
Hattie Taylor
Darrius Barnett
Karen Foster
Tyrone Jones
James Okorie
Willie Spurlock
Robin Fluellen
Magdelene Johnson
Dante Holmes
Katherine Holloway
Dawn Holmes
Charlotte Wall
Kamryn Foster
Mary Fuqua
I apologize for dropping the ball for birthday postings this month.
LeDarius Jackson
Deacon Nelson Morgan
Kennedi Woods
Marita Smith
Terence Branch
Danye Holmes
Janiqua Brisco
Lynne Bryant
Jessica Trotter
Ariel Broussard
Lillian Williams
Linda Wiggins
Allie Norris
Tamya Karen Porter
Deacon Leon Moore
Patricia Allen
In the twenty-second chapter of the book of Acts, the Apostle Paul asserts his Roman citizenship to the centurion who is about to have him whipped. Paul was a possessor of dual citizenship. Not only was he a citizen of Israel, but Paul was born with Roman citizenship. His Roman citizenship afforded him certain privileges. A Roman citizen could not be whipped, particularly one who has not even been tried. As people of God, we are possessors of dual citizenship. We are citizens of the United States of America, and most importantly, we are citizens of the Kingdom of the most high God. We should have the appropriate fidelity to each. They are not mutually exclusive, but rather, to be a Christian is to concern oneself with good government. Jesus said we should “render therefore under Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21)
We have just experienced a very contentious election. One that reflected a tremendous lack of civility. As Christians, and citizens of the Kingdom of God, we understand what the Apostle Paul is saying in Galatians 5:15: “But if ye bite and devour one another, take heed that ye be not consumed one of another.” One thing that has been troubling to this Pastor is that many who profess to be Christians are as contentious, are as less civil, are as mean as the most brittle politician. Too, often, even Christians, are bogged down ideologically and they fail to understand. “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Galatians 5:14)
The elections are now over. However, Dear Ones, please remember we have dual citizenship. I am reminding us that we must function in each venue. Christians bring to our society a virtue that Jesus has ordained: “Ye are the salt of the earth,” “Ye are the light of the world.” Ideologues are more concerned with “Red, Blue, Democrats, Republicans,” Christians should be more concerned with “What is best for the people.”
“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son.” God’s great love for people must be our love for people.
Pastor J. Amos Jones
The Pastoral Search Committee of the Friendship Baptist Church greets you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Believing that God is the One who calls pastors to shepherd his people (Jeremiah 3:15), the Friendship Baptist Church is prayerfully seeking God’s choice for the position of Senior Pastor.
The Pastor must be God fearing, demonstrate an enthusiastic love for Christ, possess and apply a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible, utilize the Baptist doctrine, and have a clearly defined vision for the Church. The Friendship Baptist Church was established over 85 years ago in the Four Corners Community, Fort Bend County, Texas.
Submit Completed Packet to:
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Attention: Pastoral Search Committee
16138 West Bellfort
Sugar Land, Tx 77498