There are many, this Pastor included, that will characterize Friendship Baptist Church as a “good church.” The question then begs to be asked, what is a good church? There are those who will say facetiously, “Friendship gives a lot of money away in helping people pay rent, pay light bills,” etc., which then makes us a “good church” to the recipient of those funds. While Friendship does have a helpful benevolent program, that is a superficial answer. What makes a “good church” is a profound question when the answer lies in the pages of the Holy Writ.
A good church is one where there is agape love. Love that is vertical and love that is horizontal. Love for God and love for his creation. Hear the words of Jesus; “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” (Mt. 22:57). Christian should live in perfect harmony. Paul calls it “perfectness” in Col. 3:14. This does not eliminate all differences in opinion, but loving Christians will work together despite their differences.
A “good church” is one where there is unity. It is possible to believe in Christ, work hard for his Kingdom, and yet have broken relationships with others who are committed to the same cause. Example, Euodias and Syntyche members of the Philippian church, (Phil. 4:2). These two women had been workers for Christ and the church. Their broken relationship was no small matter because many had become believers through their efforts.
A good church is one where sound doctrine is taught and preached. Paul says, “The gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believe it” (Romans 1:16). To Titus, Paul says “speak thou the things which become sound doctrine” (Titus 2:6). I submit that FMBC is a loving, unified church where sound doctrine is taught and preached.
Pastor J. Amos Jones