Does it appear to you, as it does to me, that the political climate has evolved into a “win at any cost”? It certainly has given me pause when I observe what is happening in today’s politics. What I find most disturbing is the position taken by those who identify as “Christian Conservatives.” Example: They are embracing a candidate for U.S. Senate whose moral failures are evident to anyone who cares to look, beyond the rhetoric. Hear the word of God: “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” (Prov. 14:34). “But let judgment rundown as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream” (Amos 5:24). (Out of the mouth of two or more witnesses.) When our desire for power exceeds moral uprightness, we have a problem. Politicians are the servants of the people. Again, hear the word of the Lord: “Shall one who hates justice [and is an enemy of right] govern? And will you condemn Him who is just and mighty?” (Job 34:17 AMP)
Dear ones, look for candidates who understand the concept of righteousness. There are those who might have a wealth of Bible knowledge and life experiences, make sure their conclusions are consistent with all of God’s word, not just parts of it. “Win at any cost,” not God’s way. Be blessed as you prepare for the midterm elections.
Pastor J. Amos Jones