Services for Robert “Bobby” Allen III Friday, August 14, 2015
Friendship MBC Viewing – 4pm to 7pm Celebration of Life – 7pm
Saturday, August 15, 2015 Burial – Garden of Memories Cemetery Alexandria, Louisiana at Noon
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Fanners of the Flame
Musings with the Pastor. At the time of this writing, we are having an excellent session with our Vacation Bible School. There are anointed facilitators who are unveiling the Word of truth. A big “God Bless You” to them for the outstanding job they are doing. We all know that the “operative” word in Vacation Bible School is “Bible”. Each lesson in this year’s VBS is centered on love. “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).
What’s LOVE got to do with it? E V E R Y T H I N G! Excellent study.
Thanks facilitators, you are indeed a blessing to us all. What a remarkable job Sister Lynne Bryant does in bringing VBS together with it’s many facets. Her administrative skills are superb. Thank you Sister Bryant.
To Deacon Alvin Smith and Sister Marita Smith (related in the Lord) who, with helpers, and a Herculean effort, provided great food every night, “May the Lord bless you really good”.
On today, we celebrate “Family and Friends Day”. We thank Almighty God for both family and friends. We know that the family is the basic unit of our society. Whatever we find in our society comes emanates from the family. Hence the need to strengthen and empower the family members, for the Holy Writ tells us: “But the path of the just is as the shining light, That shineth more and more unto the perfect day” (Proverbs 4:18). And a word about friends, “A friend loveth all times, and a brother is born for adversity” (Proverbs 17:17).
Let’s celebrate family and friends.
How do you describe an absolutely superb event? You might say it was the manifestation of love with levity, laughter, giving and goodness, or you might say the Pastor and Wife’s forty-second anniversary appreciation services. I lean to the latter rather than the former, for one is the description and the other is the reality.
Dear Members of Friendship, thank you so very much for all that the anniversary was and what it represented. Thank you for forty-two years of follow-ship. (Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ – 1st Cor. 11:1).
For you see, this Pastor realizes that we collectively are ambassadors for Christ. We then, as workers together with Him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain (2 Cor. 6:1).
Thank you for awesome programs, both the Friends of the Pastor’s Night and the Anniversary Day. How grateful we are to each and every person that contributed to those magnificent programs. We want to thank the Anniversary Committee, each program participant, those who prepared and served the delicious food, the sound room technicians, and most certainly to the givers of gifts, a heartfelt Thank You with deep appreciation.
Thank you auxiliaries and auxiliary heads and a special shout-out to Sister Rebecca Metters and The Fantastic, The Fabulous, Friendship Flame Dancers.
From Sister Jones and the entire Jones family, along with this Pastor, THANK YOU and a big “GOD BLESS YOU”.
Pastor J. Amos Jones
Jeremiah Spikes
Alexandria Spurlock
Suntera Scott
Sheila Dixon
Lawanda Dogan
Shandra Burton
Timothy Anderson
Melissa Banks
Beverly Hurd
Kiara Smith
Grace Ferguson
Shelia Boyette
Ryan Brisco
Edward Dogan Jr.
Lisa Williams
James Cooper
Craig Miller
Maranda Oliver
Deacon Edward Dogan
Vernon Rock
Flozia Hubbard
Claude Flack
Lance Lane
Hilda Arscott
Norris Jackson
Minister Vanessa Adderley
Hannah Davis
Shaneecia Martin
The Pastoral Search Committee of the Friendship Baptist Church greets you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Believing that God is the One who calls pastors to shepherd his people (Jeremiah 3:15), the Friendship Baptist Church is prayerfully seeking God’s choice for the position of Senior Pastor.
The Pastor must be God fearing, demonstrate an enthusiastic love for Christ, possess and apply a comprehensive knowledge of the Bible, utilize the Baptist doctrine, and have a clearly defined vision for the Church. The Friendship Baptist Church was established over 85 years ago in the Four Corners Community, Fort Bend County, Texas.
Submit Completed Packet to:
Friendship Missionary Baptist Church
Attention: Pastoral Search Committee
16138 West Bellfort
Sugar Land, Tx 77498