Fellow Saints,
Paul tells us in this 2nd Epistle to his son (Timothy) For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; (intimidation) but of power, (in our Christ) and of love, (that is shared abroad in our heart) and of a sound mind. (Having the mind of our Lord Jesus Christ!!!). 2 Timothy 1:7
Saints we are facing some challenging times but let us hold fast to our profession and our faith, for God who is faithful, promised to never leave us alone. We know we are living in some fearful times but remember we have God that is fearless. For fear is of the evil one. (He) THE LORD has given us boldness in Him. Always remember, take heart, and be encouraged and never discouraged for the Lord our God is with thee. Choose to stay encouraged in the Christ we serve.
Saints also always remember when life presents its problems, and you know it will, you can always take it to the Lord Jesus in prayer!
Rev. Adrian Lara