During these turbulent times where there are dramatic economic declines, politicians and economists debating as to whether we are going into or are already in a recession, gloom and doom concerning the economy, what should be the position of the child of God? For many, there is the “fear of the unknown,” resulting in self-help actions. An analysis of ones investments, a review of your financial well-being, worry, worry, worry. Please understand this, dear ones, “worry,” “let me help myself” does NOT describe the lot of the child of God. For those who are His, we enjoy perpetual “faith rest.” We know beyond a shadow of doubt that our God is EL-SHADDAI, the All-Encompassing one. The One who gives us the rich promises of Psalm 91. In difficult times, and in good times, the person who “dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty.” We who are in Him live daily trusting in “Kingdom economics,” not the economics of the world. It is a “secret place” because not everyone truly knows that He is JEHOVAH-JIREH, He is our Provider, He is our Source, He is our Sufficiency. For those of us who truly dwell within the shadow of the Almighty, we will say with confidence “He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I trust.” When we really, really, know deep down in our inward being that God is our refuge and fortress, we need not worry or fret. The Lord God is our Economist.
Hear the Psalmist David as he speaks to the Kingdom Economy: “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and His seed is blessed.” (Psalm 37:25, 26)
As children of the Most High, we are not intimidated by the fluctuations of the stock market, market declines, recession or depression. Why not? Because, on Him we lean and rely, and in Him I/(we) confidently trust! God will take care of those who are His. The question is, can you trust Him? Are you willing to allow Him to do what He alone can do? Your job, your financial portfolio, see them for what they are, a resource. God, and He alone is your SOURCE. We must understand that we are stewards and we must be good stewards (God does not give more to a bad steward), however, our God is JEHOVAH-ROHI, our Guide, our Shepherd and our Protector.
Be bless in your “Faith-Rest.” God is in control
Pastor J. Amos Jones