For many, many people, worry is a constant companion. “There are the children growing up in sinful times like these, of course we worry.” For many, the economy is a bottomless pit for worry. “The industry is being down-sized and many of the jobs have disappeared because of out-sourcing. I have bills to pay!” For others, their health or the health of their loved ones causes the anxiety level to soar. “My daddy had heart trouble, and his daddy before him, and I just know I am going to suffer from it too.” Dear Ones, I think you get the picture. For many, worry is as natural as breathing. I must tell you, worry is very prevalent today.
Church members worry as does non-church members. Worry transcends ethnic socioeconomic, religious groups and WORRY IS A SIN. That’s right, worry is a sin. Worry is unbelief. Can I tell you a thing about how not to worry? Number one, the child of God must maintain an attitude of whole-hearted trust in God (Matthew 6:25-34) Stop worrying about food and clothing, about making a living. Your life and my life is more than food and our bodies more than clothing. Please get this; The God who gave life will give the food, the clothing, and whatever is necessary to sustain it. Moreover, the confidence of the child of God in God’s providential care must be absolute and whole-hearted. In the verses, Jesus adds an argument from the less to the greater, the birds of the heaven, which neither sew nor reap nor gather into barns, but the heavenly Father goes on nourishing them. If He takes care of them how much more will He take care of our lives which are of more value. Listen in your spirit to the admonishment of the Apostle Peter; “Casting all your care upon Him; for He careth for you.” (I Peter 5:7). Do you see it?
God loves you with an unconditional love. God desires the best for us. Can you or can I change anything by worrying about it? Trust God with single-hearted devotion and whole-hearted faith; “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33) He puts the Kingdom first can be assured that God will provide all the necessities of life.
Be blessed and worry-free.
Pastor J. Amos Jones