To our newest members, welcome to the Friendship family. To our visitors who have chosen to worship with the Friendship family, thank you for sharing our worship experience. New members and visitors, you are indeed a blessing and we appreciate the opportunity to minister to each of you. You will find that here at Friendship, we are traditional in the things of God as we are taught in II Thessalonians 2:15: Therefore, brethren, standfast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
We believe that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God. We know that no prophecy is of private interpretation, for the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man; but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost (II Peter 1:20-21). The Bible is God’s message to man.
The theme of this message is the same in both Testaments, the redemption of man. The Old Testament tells about the origin of man’s sin and the preparation God made for the solution of the problem through His own Son the Messiah. The New Testament describes the fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan. The two Testaments form two volumes of one work. The first is incomplete without the second; and the second cannot be understood without the first. Together they are God’s revelation to man of the provision He has made for his salvation.
Here at Friendship, we still hold to the Bible as our basic handbook. Having stated that, we are traditional in the things of God, unashamedly I will admit that we are an innovative church family. We have taken a cue from the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ has mightily affected society in its organized state. It is our desire to bring about positive change in the four-corners area. Our Lord has taught the world the dignity of human life, the worth of the soul, the preciousness of personality. Because of this, the status of women has improved (they are Ministers of the Gospel here), children are recognized as a primary responsibility for the lavishing of love and care (We have an active Children’s Church).
Human life, when weak or aged or disadvantaged, is not regarded as forfeiting a right to a place in society, but rather entitled to help (your Benevolent Offering is at work; hence it is not the “Penny Offering.”) Again, let me welcome you to Friendship.
Be blessed as we follow Him.
Pastor J. Amos Jones