MISSION. What is it? What is the significance of Mission? Who is it that is “on the Mission?” What is the purpose of Mission? Are all members of the body of Christ commanded to be actively involved in Mission? The answers to these questions and many others are found in your Bible. Jesus summed up the whole matter of Mission in this marvelous conclusion: “For the Son of man came to seek and to save the lost.” (Luke 19:10)
Jesus “came” with a mission to this world, oh glorious fact! That mission was to search for the lost until He found him; and to save him when he was found. Jesus, in His great high-priestly prayer found in John seventeen, prays for the sanctification of those that are His. To do this Mission, they must go on in growth and perseverance to maturity. The ultimate purpose and concern of Jesus in all His petition for them is that they may go forth prepared, as the missionaries of the Kingdom campaign—the great world movement which He has initiated He is sending them (and us) out on the identical mission that the Father had given Him to accomplish in the world. In Matthew twenty-eight, Jesus assigns to His disciples of all time the great task of the Kingdom, that of world evangelization. As a preface to the great commission, the Magna Charta of Christianity, which He now entrusts to His larger body of disciples, He makes an astounding claim: “All authority in heaven and upon earth was definitely given me.” As disciples of Christ, we must remember that no earthly power has the right to countermand the order or impede the carrying out of the commission He assigns His Kingdom forces.
The commission or MISSION to which He sends us is made quite clear: “Go ye therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.”
Be blessed as you go with “great authority.”