Dear Ones,
Tuesday, November 4, 2014, is ‘Election Day’. It is absolutely essential that every member of the Body of Christ that is eligible to vote do so. Voting is not just a civic function. It is much more than that; voting is a Kingdom responsibility. Jesus said we should “render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s”.
Voting is every citizen’s privilege and responsibility, however, for the Kingdom dweller, voting is a mandate and a responsibility. (You do realize that here in the earth realm, God’s work must truly be our own).
James Kennedy was asked, “should Christians involve themselves in the dirty business of politics, voting and all that stuff”? Dr. Kennedy answered facetiously, “No, let the murderers, robbers and rapists control the political agenda”. This Pastor would not presume to tell you WHO to vote for, however, may I suggest HOW you should vote.
- Christians, first of all, should vote prayerfully and they should vote intelligently.
- They must take the time to do the necessary research.
Many of you have voted during the early voting, great, however, for those who have not voted, please do your Christian duty and fulfill your Christian responsibility.
Remember, voting is a Christian mandate.
Pastor J. Amos Jones