On October 11, 2009, we celebrated with the Ushers, true heroes of faith, their Annual Day. The church was still in a state of “spiritual euphoria” following an awesome revival and soul saving campaign and the Ushers’ Annual Day Program was a fitting climax to a wonderful move of God. This pastor is grateful to God for the wonderful members of the Usher Board. Theirs is truly an example of people working without publicity. Although they are highly effective in their service to this church, they do their jobs without revelling in the spotlight. The Ushers have taken note of the essence of what David is saying in Psalm 84:10: “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.” Time spent with the Lord, even a minimal amount of time, far exceeds time spent anywhere else. There is no comparison!
The humble service spent as a doorkeeper prepares one for kingdom dwelling. The scripture tells us (Proverbs 18:12b) “Before honour is humility.” Ushers, thank you and may God continue to bless you as you walk in Him.
Pastor J. Amos Jones